Okaihau Primary School

parents & caregivers

helping your child succeed

Information for parents


Welcome to all parents, caregivers and children of Okaihau Primary School. Okaihau Primary has a wide catchment area; from Waihou Valley, Puketi, Utakura, Te Pua Road, Lake Road, Okaihau Township and some further afield.

In 2024 the school academic emphasis will be on Numeracy, Literacy and ICT along with  National Government guidelines and developing our PBS Mindfulness programme (Pause, Breath & Smile).

We have the highest expectations of all children academically, socially and in behaviour.

 2024 will be a very successful year for the children and the school.

The Staff and Board of Trustees look forward to working with you, for the children.

Check out the forms and lists below for more detailed information:





All enrolments are through the school office, with the Principal or the Secretary. A copy of the child’s birth certificate is a Ministry of Education requirement for ALL enrolments. 

Parents enrolling a 5 year old for the first time are requested to present a Birth Certificate, and an immunisation certificate (available from your doctor). Okaihau Primary encourages prospective new entrant enrolments (5yr olds) to make visits prior to their starting school so they can become familiar with the school environment, teachers, pupils and school routines. Visiting times are 9am to 11.30am.

Please contact the school to arrange a suitable day to visit, once week for 4 visits before their 5th birthday.




We welcome contact with parents, as children respond better and are more likely to be confident and secure knowing that parent and school are able to communicate freely. Staff are prepared to meet with parents and/or caregivers at any time, although it is preferred that an appointment be made outside of class contact time. 

The school has a cellphone available for texting in absences or messages. Please advise the office BEFORE 2.30pm about any changes in after-school plans. A message book is circulated to all classes at 2.30pm. After this time we cannot guarantee that your child will get the message. 

We cannot  take a child’s word for any changes to their normal plan. Please can parents ring, txt or send a note if they are to do anything different after school. If we haven’t heard from you then they will stick to the normal plan. i.e catch the bus, or wait at school etc.



Okaihau Primary has opted into the new Government Funding Scheme which means we will no longer be asking for a parent contribution towards curriculum expenses etc. 

The school will also fund each child:

1 x Swimming Cap in their house colour (if lost or damaged replacements will need to be paid for)

1 x Prime Maths book for our Maths Program



Homework is set by the individual class teacher and will vary according to age/class level and the class programme.

All classes will have a regular reading homework programme in place, with other work including basic mathematics and spelling. If parents are unsure of what homework their child/children should be doing, contact the classroom teacher.



A regular weekly newsletter is published and sent home with the oldest/only child every Thursday. There may be other less frequent newsletters from the Board of Trustees, the P.T.A, and individual teachers. The latest newsletters are also available on our school app at Skool Loop

We also have a school Facebook page which keeps you updated of events, activities, photos & newsletters. Please inform us if you wish to receive the weekly newsletter via email.



As a school, we very much appreciate and encourage the active involvement of parents and caregivers in the school program. If you would like to assist in classrooms as a parent helper, contact the classroom teacher or the school office. (However things might be different depending on Covid pandemic regulations)



The school has an open door policy and welcomes parents at anytime. All visitors to the school need to sign in at the office first. If you have a serious concern, please contact the principal. (However things might be different dependng on current Covid pandemic regulations). 



There will be a Parent Interview in beginning of Term 1 to discuss attitude, initial results and set goals. 

There will be a parent/child/teacher interview at Mid-Year to revise goals and look at their report followed by an End of Year Written report. Dates will be advertised closer to the time.



Swimming occurs at the end of Term 4 and beginning of Term 1 depending upon the weather. 

Swimming lessons for each class are held daily. You are asked to ensure that your child has a towel and togs each day or let the school know if a child is unable to go swimming. Swimming caps in your child’s house colour are compulsory for all children. 3 Reasons (warmth, nits & to improve technique). Each child is entitled to one free swimming cap. Replacements will need to be paid for. 

