Okaihau Primary School

Personal and School Property




Cellphones are not permitted at school. If your child requires a cellphone for safety reasons after school, it must be kept in the school office during school hours. 



This is located outside ROOM 1. Feel free to claim your child’s items. At the end of each term it is displayed, and unclaimed clothing is given to charity.



Dress Code

Neat and tidy attire appropriate for the age level and outdoor activity. We do not allow bandanas and ask children to pull up their pants if ‘low riding’.

Naming of Clothing

Please name all clothing and items that children bring to school. All children will be issued with a school sunhat with a particular number which belongs to them. 

Personal Property

Responsibility for personal property belongs to the individual. Both at school and on school outings no insurance cover is provided for loss, damage, theft or other mishap. 



Library and Care of Books

The school library is regularly being added to. Pupils are encouraged to borrow books to read at home on a regular basis. 

Children are taught about the care and use of books in library sessions. It would be appreciated that equal care be shown when the books are taken home. Books should be returned to School within a week – they may be re-issued at this time. Lost books will be charged for.

Lucky/Arrow/Star Book Orders 

Approximately five times a year order forms are sent home for families to purchase books at various levels. There are no expectations for anyone to purchase. If children are ordering books please send the money to the school in a named, sealed envelope with the appropriate order form. 



During physical education lessons and sports periods, children are expected to wear clothing suitable for the activity – ie: shorts, tracksuits etc. 

When attending a sports day involving other schools we prefer children to wear the Okaihau School colours, these are Forest Green and Black.

Where appropriate we will issue sports uniforms. Sports Uniforms are also issued to Soccer, Netball and Hockey teams who play Saturday sports.



We hold a supply of stationery at school for children to purchase. This is purchased in bulk at the start of the school year and the discounts gained are passed on in the price charged to the children. 
If parents purchase elsewhere, please purchase items the same as those listed on our class order forms. It is preferable to wait until the start of the school year to ensure that the correct stationery is purchased.